DM (Digital Marketing) QNA (Questions and Answers) is a community built for budding digital marketers by a digital marketeer.

Hello everyone, thanks for stumbling upon my blog DMQNA.com If you have bumped into this section, there are two possibilities;

Possiblity 1 :

You have been digging through this vast subject called Digital Marketing, for quite some time and your brains might have pricked you many times with questions like:

  • How to start?
  • Where do I get started?
  • How is this even done?
  • Is Digital Marketing for me?
  • What techniques I need to use to grow my business with Digital Marketing?
  • What’s the career path like for digital marketeers ?

And these questions have always bothered you to find the right set of answers or

Possibility 2 :

You’re a curious Internet Marketer who will keep looking for answers until 4 am, someone who’s tried to figure it out all by yourselves, but still find it hard to make it big and have always dreamt of quitting your regular 9-5 job and living that Laptop Lifestyle,BE YOUR OWN BOSS internet mogul.

If this is the case, you have landed the right place ! you will feel like home already.

Spoiler Alert: This is going to be a long read, you can skip if you are one of those, who enjoy skipping and jumping into different chapters and keep asking yourselves why “INTERNET MARKETING” doesn’t work for me!

Hey Internet Marketers, 👋 Welcome to DMQNA

This is Suhas Bhat and I would love to welcome you all to “Home of Internet MarketingDMQNA “ a tribe for all the Internet Marketeers, Content Marketers,Growth hackers, SEO Joe’s and like-minded folks who are keen to learn the ever growing industry of Digital Marketing.

10 years ago,I was scouring internet for right answers around Digital Marketing,unfortunately I always stumbled upon Make Money Online schemes and got sucked into Internet Marketing Magic Potion 🤢 (BSO’s, Internet marketing tools, courses) and what not, due to this shiny object syndrome, I was going round in circles.

However, I wanted to move forward,but kept falling for Internet Marketing Gurus Sales pages ( old habits 😋) and I only ended up buying and spending tonnes of money, but when I tried implementing nothing worked.I had to learn the hard way. If you can relate to this, I bet you are going to love this community.

Well, we all began our Internet Marketing journey looking all over the Internet,where can I find the best hosting? What are the best tools for social media? Should I get start with affiliate marketing or start with blogging and get into AdSense? So many questions, left unanswered.

Each day you try out your luck, only to waste gazillion hours on the internet trying and testing with zero results. If this is you, that’s me too! Hi5 😋, been there, done that 💩.

This is where the sole purpose of creating DMQNA, is to find answers to the most asked questions on internet around Digital Marketing.

I have been walking this journey for over 10 years now, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the failures, which had its own baggage of perks. I’m neither a Master nor a newbie. I know just the right amount to sail you through your internet marketing journey. All I am trying to say is I know how much 🧂 is required to make your recipe tasty 😀.

I’m an extremely lazy yet practical person, Electronics and Communication Engineering College drop out, Post gradudated in Marketing & Communications, tech enthusiast, digital geek, a sucker for growth marketing, adventure junkie and a dog father who enjoys simplifying complicated things in life and put my learning to practice. Love to look at things from a different perspective and keep asking questions.

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I accidentally learned about Internet marketing after dropping out of college and started working on my first job in 2011 as Tech Support Executive for Belkin product line in Microland. An American customer started yelling at me my Internet is down, GODDAMMIT, I’m losing my money on the internet, I want my internet FIXED right now!

Luckily for me, the call went smoothly and over the due course of fixing his issue; I had a brief conversation with him and that’s where he mentioned how important the Internet was for him as he runs his Affiliate Marketing business online.

This got me thinking, and I came back home and typed Affiliate Marketing Business and hit that ENTER button and BAAMM, things unfolded, and I got sucked into the world of Internet Marketing that’s it, it was like I got bitten by the Internet Marketing bug and just like how Peter Parker would have felt when he got first bit by the lil spidy; I reckon it was the same feeling…

That’s me on the left corner at Microland, Bangalore.

Trust me, I never blogged to begin with. All I did was connect the dots, some reverse engineering,close observations and making tonnes of notes, which led me to blogging. After building 100’s of websites and, selling gazillion affiliate marketing products, running 1000s of Facebook ad campaigns and failing 80% of the time which made me buck load of money only by getting 20% right, here I am trying to put together the perfect jigsaw puzzle for all of you who wants to get started.

I have taken the leap of faith and Internet marketing has got me the sense of freedom already, but freedoms don’t last long, and you got to keep moving up the ladder just like any other profession and this journey has been absolutely rewarding.

It’s not about the destination and where you want to be in the next few years; it’s always about the journey and how you made it there, is what matters.

Take the Leap of Faith

So what can you expect out of DMQNA?

  • 0% no BS conversation on Digital Marketing and questions and answers to it.
  • 100% no fluff reviews of the latest marketing tools.
  • A tribe built for Internet Marketers and like-minded marketers.
  • Digital Marketing Tips and Tricks and the latest internet marketing applicable news for bloggers, freelancers and businesses.
  • How to guide’s on Internet Marketing (Blogging, SEO, Affiliate marketing and more..)
  • Every minute that you spend on this site will be every minute you will save on your internet marketing journey – 💯%

The Internet Marketing journey has been an absolutely crazy ride till date for me. Possibly it’s the only one path which has helped me stretch myself and explore newer skills like web & graphic designing, content writing, photography, videography, photo and video editing, voice overs and many more skills which I have never ever thought it would have been otherwise possible, I have blended many of the above skills to make the best of myself.. I’m sure you will find your path too.

What is the Future of DMQNA?

My work on Internet Marketing will keep evolving and help people learn Digital Marketing easy-peasy without breaking a bank and sweat. I will keep getting lazier simplify things further 😁.

Feel free to join the DMQNA exclusive VIP Facebook Group and connect to me on Instagram. Do ya have questions and feedback? Happy to hear connect with me via email.

Good Luck and let’s stay connected.