Howdy readers, this is a personal blog created intending to help new bloggers, digital marketeers and online marketing enthusiast. Sheer existence of this blog is help you grow faster without going through fluff in the market.

I use affiliate links across my blog which help me support the running of this blog (hosting, web maintenance tools I buy for reviews etc). If you click on my affiliate links and make a purchase, I earn a small% sales commission at no additional cost to you. At some point we all need to earn for the effort we put in to grow this website.

As I have put in 100s of hours in research and penning down blog posts and another 1000s of hours in experimenting and reviewing tools and can assure you I’m careful about any products or service, I recommend and strongly belive in not recommending service which hold no value to me nor you, which you might noticed in the reviews I share.

Keeping the above in mind, I would suggest that you make your own purchase decision,tool which works for me, may not work well for you.

Earnings and example disclaimer

The results we discuss and share may not be typical, whether it’s an example of how much you could earn from your first month or the amount of traffic that your blog doubled in just a few months.

There are a lot of uncontrollable factors in the business world that we, as bloggers, entrepreneurs, must learn to navigate. Some can be because of our own misjudgments, while others may be because of factors outside of our control.

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Success I see has come off dedicating endless hours of reading, experiment, communicating with fellow bloggers, community members, burning cash and never give up attitude I have towards learning and cracking the code.

But in most of the cases, people give up on first go and when you don’t believe in process and don’t have patience. Please note this journey is only for marathon runners and not for sprint runners. We cannot define success stories with a couple of sprints races.

I wish you all the best and do not give up on your goals & dreams.

Signing off,

Suhas Bhat.