Juice.Ai Review 2022: Best longform AI content writer?

Juice.Ai Review 2022: Best longform AI content writer?

Content writing can be a daunting experience for a lot of business owners and bloggers who want to start off with blogging as a full-time profession. There are no shortcuts to write a blog, it take a lot of time and effort to research, curate, and create content for your business.This is where Juice.ai comes in, which simplifies the art of content writing at fraction of the cost and time.

Juice AI overview:

Juice.ai is an AI content writer which can generate long-form content (1200 – 1400 words) articles in bulk, under 30 seconds based on long tail keyword inputs. Beyond producing content, it also adds relatable stock images and videos from YouTube along with bold and italics words in its output, which helps to optimise the content further.

Table of Content

Juice.ai Review:

I had an opportunity to test out the product during its early beta access.Here is a detailed review & walkthrough video of the Juice.ai review

Juice.ai walkthrough and review

There are currently two main features of Juice.ai which are simple yet powerful.

1.Keyword Reasearch Tool:

Juice.ai works like all in one SEO keyword research tool. It deep dives SERPS and analyses your keyword and fetches the most valuable low competition key phrase which you need to write content for. This is what SEO in a nutshell is and Juice does it infraction time.

It cuts down good 10 to 15 mins of my keyword research time, I would have otherwise done and can immediately sort out the low hanging competition list of long tail keywords I can start write content for.It does all the mighty heavy lifting for me and eradicates the lot guessing work. I’m truly blown away by the simplicity of this feature. It works like magic that’s all I can say.

Technically,Juice.ai scraps for tonnes of data online and puts together the lowest competition keyword based on the most frequently asked questions on google search. Tool does sorting of multiple variations of keywords and gives out the best low-hanging juicy fruit keyword to be ranked. No wonder the founders kept this product name Juice.ai as it truly gives Juicy keywords that you can start ranking for.

2.Longform Content Generator writer:

There are tonnes of AI writers in market Jasper.ai,Scalenuts, Rytr no doubt they are good in what they do.But interms of sheer simplicity of creating tonnes of keyword research based content in your niche Juice.ai steals the show.

You can start building silo content and start publising full blown keyword optimised long form articles in less than couple of hours. I have not come across any AI writer which can generate content at the pace of what Juice.ai does and accuracy of these content is as good as any other GPT-3 based content writers or sometimes even better. Yes it’s A.I you need to add human touch and flare to your content.

From my test results, Juice.ai works great in creating evergreen content, I would say 7 articles out of 10 produced were good to go live and remaining articles needs facutal accuracy checks, which is the case for majority of AI writers out there in market. Dont get me wrong,these are incredible first drafts of articles for the price you pay 🙂

How to use Juice AI writer?

Who is Juice AI writer for?


This tool is great for bloggers who want to have a head-start on their content strategy of generating evergreen blogs.

SEO Agecies:

It’s a great tool SEO agencies who produce bulk content for their clients and built massive PBNs as part of content strategy.

Ecommerce Business Owners:

Ecommerce business owners usually rely on paid traffic to generate sales, with Juice.ai business owners can have dedicated content strategy around their niche and create blog posts which will bring in free traffic and on long term build authority around their niche.

Digital Marketing Agencies:

It’s a great tool to have in your arsenal if you are running a digital marketing agency, you can easily level up SEO and content writing service for your set of clients.

Growth Hackers:

Individuals who are looking for new ways to create quality content at a fraction of time and cost and who build PBN’s (Private blog network) to drive traffic to money site, Juice.ai can come really handy.

Juice.ai Key Features:

Juice.ai team has put together nifty features which makes using this tool a breeze and even your grandma can start ranking articles on SERPs

Keyword Explorer:

Google loves long tail keyword research based content and juice.ai hits the nail here, where it does all the hard work of generating low hanging juicy keywords which are low in competition and have a high frequency of search volume.

You need to add seed word based on your niche or keyword which you wish to optimise or rank for and the tool will produce a massive list of long-tail keywords which are most search query on google.com.

With Juice ai SEO has become child’s play, all you need to do now is curate this content as H2’s and start producing content around these long-tail keywords.

Juice ai seed keyword feature

One Click Bulk Article Output

Juice.ai allows users to add upto 25 headlines around your desired niche and generate long form seo optimised article in one click. As per our tests it takes about 20 – 30 seconds to generate one article. In about 10 – 12 mins you will have optimised long form content for your website.

Juice.ai bulk article generator

Custom Article Generator

If you need more control on content output,tool provides option to generate custom article. It allows you to add upto nine H2’s of your choice where you streer AI to create content with some sence of direction you want to push. Its a great feature to have for users who wants to add their style of creating content.

Juice.ai review:custom article generator

Plagiarism Free Content

In our testing we have found about 7 out of 10 articles were plagiarised free. And remaining articles were 95% plagiarised free and required very minimal edits. This is impressive as you can start pushing these content straight to your websites.

One Click WordPress/Shopify article publishing

This is very handy feature to speed up your workflow. Users can publish articles from to wordpress or shopify websites in one click. All you need to do is go to settings page and follow the instructions and connect your wordpress/shopify website.

You can publish one article at a time or select all the generated content in one go.

Juice.ai Review: one click article website push

Content Organiser

When you are generating hundereds of articles in a week, things can get pretty messy very soon and this is where Juice.ai comes with dedicated content organisers where you can create multiple folders to save your work.

Gotta love this feature where you can create content and add them to individual folders based on the niche. Its a great feature to have when you are working on multiple projects or clients.

Juice ai Content Curation and Folder Option

Multilanguage Support

Team has promised multilanague support very soon. At the moment you can explore articles with english language as inputs.

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Case Study :

I have tested Juice.ai on a very young site of mine which has been dormant for 2 years and has no domain or page authority and results are already great for the 10 min effort I have put in to get the blog up and running again.

Juice.ai  Review : Case study


There are 3 core plans available on Juice.ai.If you are an soloprenure, individual plans should be great plan to start off with. Growth plans are great for Growth Hacker,Digital Marketer or have a small team.

However, if you run a Digital Marketing or SEO Agency, agency plans will be your best bet.

You can give it a spin with just $1 and generate 10 articles for first month.

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Product Name: Juice.ai

Product Description: Juice.ai helps users to create SEO optimised blog content that brings targeted users to their business websites with few clicks of mouse. Grow your business now with AI content marketing.

Offer price: 59

Currency: USD

Availability: InStock

Valid until: October 31, 2022

  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Features
  • Value for Money
  • Overall


There is no denying writing content is hectic and doing SEO is complicated. If you are one of those who have never done SEO or find writing content difficult Juice.ai your is all you need to drive traffic to your business.

It is going to save tonnes of time and lots of money and truly transform your business and boost your SEO in matter of days.

If you are still on the fence Juice.ai is currently being offered at massive discount and available on a lifetime deal 

User Review
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Features
  • Value for Money
  • Overall
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)


1.Long tail keyword optimisation

2.One click bulk content generation

3.SEO optimised content output

4.Inbuilt SEO content optimiser




1.No outline generator 

2.No NLP optimisation

3.Quality of output can get better 

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