Pinterest traffic hacks: Strategies to hit 200K visitors/month.

Pinterest traffic hacks: Strategies to hit 200K visitors/month.

Provide interesting and entertaining content

If you have a talent or skill, use it to create unique tutorials and videos that teach others how to do what you do.

People love sharing things they know with other people. If you can make teaching others about your hobby fun, you’ll likely gain followers along the way.

Share tips, tricks, and secrets that might help them be more successful at what they intend to accomplish. For example, if you like writing, share tips on blogging or social media strategies with others.

If you want to grow your audience, take classes online to better yourself as a writer, photographer, or artist. People may follow you because of their interest in what you have to say or because of who you are as a person.

In order to strengthen your identity as a writer, publish some articles and work on creating video talks. Give lectures and workshops to increase awareness of who you are as an author.

Publish posts that improve confidence, such as “8 ways to…” or “How to…”. These types of posts show readers something every day and give them a sense of hope and accomplishment.

Your brand makes you special and draws people in. By being consistent and continuing to produce high-quality material, you build trust among your peers and eventually your audience will trust you enough to buy whatever you are selling.

Offer a coupon or prize for taking a visit to your page

While this seems obvious, it’s good to make sure you bring people over to your page with a compelling reason. Coupled with the fact that most people are going to be too lazy to go to your page, this method is perfect if you want to use Pinterest as a way to promote your work.

Have a look at some other methods for promoting yourself via social media, then choose the one that works the best for you.

There are hundreds of ways to do this, depending on what kind of business you are running and who you are targeting. For example, personal followers like being given prizes or deals for things they might already be doing (or may already be willing to try).

Prizes can be small ($10 or $20), but are better than nothing. Ask around among friends and family about fun things you have done or heard about lately and give these prizes away as well.

You can watch YouTube videos or read articles online to come up with ideas for tricks or breaks for pay. Twitter offers numerous opportunities to get information onto peoples’ minds when you follow them.

By having an account on Facebook, you can take advantage of their many features including their ads system which makes it easy to target specific audiences. LinkedIn has plenty of potential users who may only need to connect with you once to become regular visitors or customers.

Have your page live for at least a year

Once you start using one of these tips, you’ll really begin to see results. But before you get too excited, remember that it takes time to build an audience, even if you just started yesterday.

Your first goal should be to gain followers. Or at least, to increase the number of people who like your pages.

This will help you grow your account over time. Since you’ll be participating in other accounts’ feeds, they’ll follow you back when you ask them to.

And don’t worry about what message to send; emails work better than texts. Plus, everybody loves a good email chat.

Let your inner geek come out. Send interesting links via email messages and give away free items or discounts in return for “tags” (the small photo inserts into stories) from fans.

Whatever you do, keep doing it. Never stop promoting yourself and your business. Your hard work has surely earned you respect and trust, so show others how much you care by constantly working the social media networks.

Share pictures and videos often and add comments where appropriate. A lot can happen when you go back online after a few days off…

Make your banner image large and bold

When you make the decision to promote another company’s product, you want people to look at the image and say “I want that!” or “That looks cool!”

Your images should be small and concise; they should tell someone something about what you are promoting.

It is common practice to include one of your own pictures alongside someone else’s as their logo.

However, it is not mandatory to use your own picture; just opt for your favourite logo somewhere near the top.

You can get some really good ideas from other companies’ logo designs.

Make your banner image responsive

Though it may seem like you should make separate images for different screen sizes, that’s a lot of work. Instead, use CSS (we’ll teach you how) to resize an image so it looks great on every device.

There are many services that will do this for you; we’ll list some below. But one thing is sure – if you don’t invest in resizing your photos now, you’re losing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising income.

Think about it – what happens when you put up a photo for breakfast and then another for lunch? People get tired of seeing the same ad over and over again. By having multiple versions of your advertisement, you are able to reach new customers and convince them to spend money on what you selling.

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It works because people want to see something new and exciting. When they find something they like, they go back to their archives to buy it again.

The more times you put things into play for people, the more chances there are to have someone fall for it. Sales will increase if you just give people what they want.

Consider using high-quality content to promote other businesses or products. For example, study all kinds of topics and create relevant articles with helpful information. People are much more likely to click on educational links than promotional ones.

That way, they’ll learn something new and follow your lead.

Optimize your website for pinterest

With over six billion posts, there’s always going to be something you don’t know about, let alone consider when creating content.

That’s why it’s so important to have a plan before you put up content. If you do, you want to make sure that (1) people actually know what they’re talking about and (2) that you provide accurate information.

Accurate information is crucial because sometimes people will go onto someone else’s site instead of doing their own research. This not only wastes time, but also takes away from your own work-promoting more quickly is never a bad idea!

More than likely if someone visits your blog or web page they may be looking for an answer to a question they had. Having a topic with a good title is very important as most bloggers will agree.

However, some people might be searching for things like “healthy breakfast recipes” or “lose weight quick” without really knowing who has the best recipe.

This could be your average person trying to look more official or its purpose differs significantly. A lot of people start blogs simply to share stories and photos they like and may not necessarily have any serious intent to document everything that goes on in their life.

Blogs are meant to help connect people and give them community, somewhere they can ask questions and find advice. People love sharing news about new

Rank your website

Although it may seem contradictory, ranking your web site will actually promote its popularity; people who visit a high-ranked site tend to have more confidence in them and might also trust what they say or think.

This increases traffic and sales by drawing in new viewers and customers. There are several different methods for doing this, some more helpful than others.

The quality of your content is key here, so make sure you have good sources of information — everything from layout themes to how you tag items.

Your social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) can help boost your rank if you’re consistent enough to keep growing. Having an email list is also helpful, as people know and trust you already and are most likely to buy once they’ve found your page.

Web links are also very useful ways to increase rank. People who aren’t familiar with online marketing often don’t realize that when a person clicks on a link, that website has stored information within themselves about that webpage – called a siteweblog.

By having numerous links pointing towards your homepage, these blogs begin to index your site, helping it to come up under search results.

If you want to add additional pages to your website, then create unique titles and keywords for each one to improve their rank.

Do not spam other sites with ads. Linking to other websites is where we get our inspiration from,

Run social media campaigns

While running an ad is kind of like advertising through any other medium, there are some specific parameters that come with promoting through Pinterest.

First, you need to understand how to create memes using Pinterest’s built-in editors.

Then, think about which of your existing posts appeal to the people most likely to engage with your content. Does it sound like something they would want to do? Can you make a bold statement based on one of your posts?

Finally, use these guidelines to help you develop a plan for a social media campaign. A well thought out strategy will get more results than a half baked social media campaign.

Create promotional materials

If you have an online store, create a flier or banner ad using your product images/slogans and web address. Make it fun! And if you’re promoting a sale or a discount meal plan, then make sure that people know about it. This way, people will actually look for you online instead of going straight to your website.

Some great places to put these are Reddit ads, facebook groups, forums, twitter lists, etc. These sites have large audiences that would be interested in what you sell.

Make sure that whatever place you use has a good reach (total number of subscribers/members). Then use high-quality content to encourage viewers to buy from you.

You can also promote your offer through social media by sharing posts and messages. You can also increase traffic to your page by commenting on other people’s posts.

Hope these hacks help you drive traffic to your site. Let us know which are your favorite Pinterest hacks in the comments below 🙂

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